E un miracol
January 2nd, 2011 | by Vadim Cusnarencu |Parafrazand titlul melodiei “It’s A Miracle” al lui Roger Waters, el mi-a venit in cap cand vazut o scena pe marginea strazii.
Intr-una din zilele de dupa Craciun, mi-a atras atentia o masina oprita pe prima banda de pe DN1, undeva intre Corbeanca si Otopeni. Am incetinit sa vad ce se intampla. Un hoit de caine maidanez zacea pe marginea drumului, proaspat omorat de vreo masina. La cativa metri dupa el oprise o femeie, cu avariile. In momentul in care treceam, ea se afla in genunchi pe asfalt si tinea la piept unul dintre puii catelei moarte, incercand sa il culeaga si pe celalat, momindu-l cu ceva. Ambii trabanti erau in viata. Exact cand treceam pe langa ea, reusise sa il inhate.
Nu stiu de ce, dar in acel moment am avut senzatia ca asistasem la un miracol si m-am gandit ca scena merita enumerata in versurile de mai jos ale lui Roger Waters, din melodia “It’s a miracle”.
Miraculous you call it babe
You ain’t seen nothing yet
They’ve got Pepsi in the Andes
Mcdonalds in Tibet
Yosemite’s been turned into
A golf course for the Japs
The Dead Sea is alive with rap
Between the Tigris and Euphrates
There’s a leisure centre now
They’ve got all kinds of sports
They’ve got Bermuda shorts
The had sex in Pennsylvania
A Brazilian grew a tree
A doctor in Manhattan
Saved a dying man for free
It’s a miracle
Another miracle
By the grace of God Almighty
And pressures of marketplace
The human race has civilized itself
It’s a miracle
We’ve got a warehouse of butter
We’ve got oceans of wine
We’ve got famine when we need it
Got a designer crime
We’ve got Mercedes
We’ve got Porsche
Ferrari and Rolls Royce
We’ve got a choice
She said meet me
In the Garden of Gethsemane my dear
The Lord said Peter I can see
Your house from here
An honest man
Finally reaped what he had sown
And farmer in Ohio has just repaid a loan
It’s a miracle
Another miracle
By the grace of God Almighty
And pressures of marketplace
The human race has civilized itself
It’s a miracle
We cower in our shelters
With our hands over our ears
Lloyd-Webber’s awful stuff
Runs for years and years and years
An earthquake hits the theatre
But the operetta lingers
Then the piano lids comes down
And break his fucking fingers
It’s a miracle
13 Responses to “E un miracol”
By Potaie Ion on Jan 2, 2011 | Reply
Doamne, in ce tara de cacat traim!
Plina de oameni de cacat!
Pun pariu ca tanti ar fi trecut nepasatoare pe langa hoitul vreunui om ucis de vreun etnobotanist.
Buba e la cap!
By skeptik on Jan 3, 2011 | Reply
Potaie Ion….Bineinteles ca nu ar opri nimeni la astia care gindesc ca tine!! Tu, de, fapt, ai trebui ‘ochit’ intentionat cu masina!!
By skeptik on Jan 3, 2011 | Reply
By the way, Vadim, daca nu vrei sa fii categorizat ca cre,,,,ul de Potaie, se numeste ‘cadarvru’,nu ‘hoit’! Hoit e folosit de cei carora nu le pasa sau cred ca animalele sint niste gunoaie, nu au nici un drep! vezi primul mesaj!
By skeptik on Jan 3, 2011 | Reply
cadavru ..scuze
By pancho on Jan 12, 2011 | Reply
cadavru e de om. animalul mort e HOIT in toata regula. si dex-ul spune hoit = Cadavru, mai ales de animal.
By WILLIAMCOYLUNG on Jan 22, 2011 | Reply
Am luat-o-n mana Stanga si cu Slovacia
esti un labar , ca de obicei de altfel…ce sport ai jucat tu la viata ta, in afar’ de laba ?
Stii in ce conditii se face handbal in romania bai kknarule? sau ce a facut V. Stanga?
By cristi on Jan 24, 2011 | Reply
Sunt putini oameni care mai fac gesturi frumoase prin care sa ajute animalele. Oricum ar fi ele, nu merita sa moara asa.
By Online Póker on Mar 8, 2011 | Reply
acuma ce facem? plangem ca a murit un maidanez sau ne plangem ca avem prea multi maidanezi? ca nu mai inteleg nimic…
By sancho on Mar 8, 2011 | Reply
din 2 ianuarie niciun gand pe blog, maiastre vadim?
By sancho on Mar 24, 2011 | Reply
ai murit vadime? se fac 3 luni fara un gand de la tine!
By Anonymous on Mar 25, 2011 | Reply
Am tot zis sa mai scriu pe blog dar nu am mai facut-o o sa mai scriu. Nici inainte nu am scris des.
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